Offering to Mother Earth Ceremony "The Despacho"

Offering to Mother Earth Ceremony – "The Despacho"

The offering to Mother Earth, also known as a ‘Despacho Ceremony’ is an ancestral tradition practiced by the Andean shamans from the ‘Qero’ tribe. 

Ritual To Manifest Abundance!

Energetically speaking abundance simply means to have an overflow of whatever it is you are calling in. For example, you can experience an abundance of love, health, happiness, connection or peace. The universe itself is abundant, it supplies us with an abundance of air and sunlight to name just a few things. So by tapping into the energy of abundance in your own life, you are aligning with the powerful and unlimited nature of the universe. To help you attract more abundance into your life by partaking in an offering to Mother earth ceremony which will create an abundance to magnetize an overflow of love, money and joy into your life.

The offering (which is also act of Ayni or sacred reciprocity) consists of gratitude for all the blessings in our lives such as abundance, love and health followed by a physical offering to Pachamama, Universe and the Apus (mountains), a symbolic way in which we give back to nature for all that we are grateful for in our lives. As we give, we receive our requests of prosperity. The offering is a gift to Mother Earth, charged with your personal intentions, unifying all living energy of the physical and unseen universe.

Pachamama is a creative and protective deity that shelters us, makes life possible and supports fertility. As part of our gratitude for the help and protection we give back to all that it’s given us and ask in return for abundance in Love, Health and Wishes with no limitations.

The offering is created on an Andean weaving that represent the divine complement of masculine/feminine in balance. A bed of coca leaves is laid out with intent of the participant(s), to carry the prayers of the offering into the cosmos, a prayer for a person or situation which you are asking for the cosmos to support energetically. The despacho contains symbols of all elements, and is woven together energetically, similar to a mandala. We are giving a gift to the Earth to say “Thank You” for all that she has given us.

Ceremony in Absentia!

A ceremony can energetically be performed on behalf of another person present or not. They need not be present, and regardless of where they are geographically in that moment – a reminder of the energetic connections we share with all beings, elements and spirits.

It is a time to plant new seeds of remembrance and gratitude in your consciousness.

This ceremony helps us reconnect to the natural and spiritual world reclaiming a lost language weaving these worlds together.

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough .” – Meister Eckhart

The Q’ero shaman or Paqos translated as priest’s are descendants of the mighty Incas the wisdom keeper’s the bridge connection with the Cosmos, they are conscious of a whole living world dividing it in three the Hanaq Pacha ( the upper world) the Kay Pacha ( This middle world) and the Uku Pacha ( the Underground) and remind us that we are sacred as everything in this world and conduct the ceremony on behalf of us!

A ceremony can be energetically performed for you regardless of where you are geographically in the world or at our retreat center!

+51 956 333 740
Energetically speaking abundance simply means to have an overflow of whatever it is you are calling in. For example, you can experience an abundance of love, health, happiness, connection or peace. The universe itself is abundant, it supplies us with an abundance of air and sunlight to name just a few things. So by tapping into the energy of abundance in your own life, you are aligning with the powerful and unlimited nature of the universe. To help you attract more abundance into your life by partaking in an offering to Mother earth ceremony which will create an abundance to magnetize an overflow of love, money and joy into your life.

The offering (which is also act of Ayni or sacred reciprocity) consists of gratitude for all the blessings in our lives such as abundance, love and health followed by a physical offering to Pachamama, Universe and the Apus (mountains), a symbolic way in which we give back to nature for all that we are grateful for in our lives. As we give, we receive our requests of prosperity. The offering is a gift to Mother Earth, charged with your personal intentions, unifying all living energy of the physical and unseen universe.

Pachamama is a creative and protective deity that shelters us, makes life possible and supports fertility. As part of our gratitude for the help and protection we give back to all that it’s given us and ask in return for abundance in Love, Health and Wishes with no limitations.

The offering is created on an Andean weaving that represent the divine complement of masculine/feminine in balance. A bed of coca leaves is laid out with intent of the participant(s), to carry the prayers of the offering into the cosmos, a prayer for a person or situation which you are asking for the cosmos to support energetically. The despacho contains symbols of all elements, and is woven together energetically, similar to a mandala. We are giving a gift to the Earth to say “Thank You” for all that she has given us.

Ceremony in Absentia!

A ceremony can energetically be performed on behalf of another person present or not. They need not be present, and regardless of where they are geographically in that moment – a reminder of the energetic connections we share with all beings, elements and spirits.

It is a time to plant new seeds of remembrance and gratitude in your consciousness.

This ceremony helps us reconnect to the natural and spiritual world reclaiming a lost language weaving these worlds together.

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough .” – Meister Eckhart

The Q’ero shaman or Paqos translated as priest’s are descendants of the mighty Incas the wisdom keeper’s the bridge connection with the Cosmos, they are conscious of a whole living world dividing it in three the Hanaq Pacha ( the upper world) the Kay Pacha ( This middle world) and the Uku Pacha ( the Underground) and remind us that we are sacred as everything in this world and conduct the ceremony on behalf of us!

A ceremony can be energetically performed for you regardless of where you are geographically in the world or at our retreat center!

+51 956 333 740

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